Code source wiki de RecentChanges

Modifié par Administrator le 2009/01/30 19:18

Masquer les derniers auteurs
Administrator 1.1 1 ##
2 ## Recent changes.
3 ##
4 ## Optional parameters :
5 ##
6 ## Parameters which can be set in velocity before including this page or can be passed as HTTP parameters.
7 ## Note that HTTP parameters supercede velocity set variables.
8 ##
9 ## - rcShowMinor (String set to "true" or "false"): show minor edits.
10 ## - rcShowDiff (String set to "true" or "false"): show diff in items.
11 ## - rcShowRss (String set to "true" or "false"): show RSS at the bottom of the list.
12 ## - rcChangesNb (String set to a numerical value): number of recent changes to display.
13 ## - rcSpace (List of string[s]): restrict recent changes retrieval to pages within the given space.
14 ## - rcTag (List of string[s]): restrict recent changes retrieval to pages with the given tag.
15 ## - rcAuthor (List of string[s]): restrict recent changes retrieval to pages with the given author.
16 ##
17 ## Parameters which can be set before including this page only.
18 ##
19 ## - rcDocumentNames (Collection): The list of recentlyChanged documents, to reuse a previous search query.
20 ##
21 $xwiki.jsx.use("Main.RecentChanges")
22 $xwiki.ssx.use("Main.RecentChanges")
23 #set($action = "$!request.getParameter('action')")
24 ##
25 ## Start execution timer
26 ##
27 #set($execStart = $util.getDate())
28 ##
29 ## Go to diff URL service.
30 ##
31 #if($action == "goToDiffURL")
32 #set($page = "$!request.getParameter('page')")
33 #set($author = "$!request.getParameter('author')")
34 #set($date = "$!request.getParameter('date')")
35 #set($period = $xwiki.criteriaService.getPeriodFactory().createDayPeriod($date))
36 #set($criterion = $xwiki.criteriaService.getRevisionCriteriaFactory().createRevisionCriteria($author, $period))
37 #if("$!request.getParameter('rcShowMinor')" == "true")
38 #set($discard = $criterion.setIncludeMinorVersions(true))
39 #end
40 #set($diffDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($page))
41 #set($revisions = $diffDoc.getRevisions($criterion))
42 #set($rev1 = $listtool.get($revisions, 0))
43 #set($revMax = $revisions.size() - 1)
44 #set($rev2 = $listtool.get($revisions, $revMax))
45 $response.sendRedirect($diffDoc.getURL("view", "viewer=changes&rev1=${rev1}&rev2=${rev2}"))
46 #end
47 ## Manage minor edits.
48 #setVariableFromRequest($rcShowMinor "rcShowMinor" false)
49 ## Manage show diff in items.
50 #setVariableFromRequest($rcShowDiff "rcShowDiff" true)
51 ## Manage show RSS links.
52 #setVariableFromRequest($rcShowRss "rcShowRss" true)
53 ## Manage number of changes to display.
54 #setVariableFromRequest($rcChangesNb "rcChangesNb" 30)
55 ## Manage tag criterion
56 #setVariableFromRequest($rcTag "rcTag" [])
57 ## Manage space criterion
58 #setVariableFromRequest($rcSpace "rcSpace" [])
59 ## Manage author criterion
60 #setVariableFromRequest($rcAuthor "rcAuthor" [])
61 ##
62 ## Create a string containing one or more ? given the number of values in the passed list.
63 ##
64 #macro(createQueryParameters $values $parameters)
65 #foreach($value in $values)
66 #if($parameters == "")
67 #set($parameters = "?")
68 #else
69 #set($parameters = "${parameters}, ?")
70 #end
71 #end
72 #end
73 ##
74 ## Retrieve recently changed documents.
75 ##
76 #set($criteria = $util.getHashMap())
77 #if("$!rcDocumentNames" == "")
78 #if(!$xwiki.hasMinorEdit() || $rcShowMinor)
79 #set ($hqlQuery = "where 1=1 order by desc")
80 #else
81 #set ($hqlQuery = ", XWikiRCSNodeInfo as ni where and group by, order by max( desc")
82 #end
83 ## Create space criterion.
84 #if($rcSpace.size() > 0)
85 #set($spaceParameters = "")
86 #createQueryParameters($rcSpace $spaceParameters)
87 #set($discard = $criteria.put(" in (${spaceParameters})", $rcSpace))
88 #end
89 ## Create tag criterion.
90 #if("$!xwiki.getPlugin('tag')" != "" && $rcTag.size() > 0)
91 #set($docsWithTag = $util.getArrayList())
92 #foreach($item in $rcTag)
93 #set($discard = $docsWithTag.addAll($xwiki.tag.getDocumentsWithTag($item)))
94 #end
95 #set($docsWithTagParameters = "")
96 #createQueryParameters($docsWithTag $docsWithTagParameters)
97 #set($discard = $criteria.put("doc.fullName in (${docsWithTagParameters})", $docsWithTag))
98 #end
99 #if($rcAuthor.size() > 0)
100 #set($authorParameters = "")
101 #createQueryParameters($rcAuthor $authorParameters)
102 #set($discard = $criteria.put(" in (${authorParameters})", $rcAuthor))
103 #end
104 #if($criteria.size() > 0)
105 ## If any, loop over criterias to add them to the query, then perform the query.
106 #set($values = $util.getArrayList())
107 #foreach($criterion in $criteria.keySet())
108 #if($criteria.get($criterion).size() > 0)
109 #set($hqlQuery = $hqlQuery.replaceAll("where", "where ${criterion} and"))
110 #set($discard = $values.addAll($criteria.get($criterion)))
111 #end
112 #end
113 #set($rcDocumentNames = $xwiki.searchDocuments($hqlQuery, $rcChangesNb, 0, $values))
114 #else
115 ## No query criterion, perform the query as is.
116 #set($rcDocumentNames = $xwiki.searchDocuments($hqlQuery, $rcChangesNb, 0))
117 #end
118 #end
119 ##
120 ## Prepare comments handling
121 #set($commentsOrder = false)
122 #if($xwiki.getWebPreferenceAsInt("commentsorder",1) == 0)
123 #set($commentsOrder = true)
124 #end
125 ##
126 ## Comment handling macro.
127 ## Retreive page's last comment if any and
128 ## overwrite variables if this comment is the last modification on the page.
129 ##
130 #macro(handleComment $rcDoc $rcType $rcDt $commentsOrder)
131 ## Retrieve comments from last to first.
132 #set($rcComments = $rcDoc.getComments($commentsOrder))
133 #if($rcComments.size() > 0)
134 ## Retrieve last comment.
135 #set($lastComment = $listtool.get($rcComments, 0))
136 #set($lastCommentDate = $lastComment.getProperty("date").getValue())
137 ## If the last modification on the page is the comment, overwrite values.
138 ## We don't test compareTo() == 0 since the comment date and the save date may vary a little bit.
139 #if($lastCommentDate.compareTo($rcDt.toDate()) > -1 && $lastCommentDate.compareTo($rcDt.toDate()) <= 1)
140 #set($rcType = "comment")
141 #end
142 #end
143 #end
144 ##
145 ## Attachments handling macro.
146 ## Retreive page's attachments and put those which upload matches the modification entry (author and timeframe)
147 ## in the $rcAttachments List.
148 ##
149 #macro(handleAttachments $rcDoc $rcAuthor $rcDt)
150 #set($attachments = $rcDoc.getAttachmentList())
151 #foreach($attachment in $attachments)
152 #set($attachmentDt = $xwiki.jodatime.getDateTime($attachment.getDate().getTime()))
153 #if($rcAuthor == $attachment.getAuthor() && $rcDt.getYear() == $attachmentDt.getYear() && $rcDt.getDayOfYear() == $attachmentDt.getDayOfYear())
154 #set($discard = $rcAttachments.add($attachment))
155 #end
156 #end
157 #end
158 ##
159 ##
160 ##
161 #macro(displayRcAuthor $author)
162 #useravatar($author)
163 <br/><span class="recentChangesAuthor">
164 #if($author == "XWikiGuest")
165 Guest
166 #else
167 #set($localUserName = $xwiki.getLocalUserName($author))
168 #if($localUserName == "")
169 ## localUserName can be empty when the page has been saved without specifying the author.
170 ## We're printing a non-breaking space to ensure xhtml validity (ie: avoid empty paragraph).
171 &nbsp;
172 #else
173 $localUserName
174 #end
175 #end
176 </span>
177 #end
178 #macro(displayRcVersion $version)
179 #if($version == "1.1")
180 <span class="rcVersion">(<span style="color:red;">$msg.get("")</span>)</span>
181 #end
182 #end
183 ##
184 ## Display the recent changes list.
185 ##
186 #set($previousDt = $xwiki.jodatime.getDateTime(0))
187 #set($discard = $previousDate.setTime(0))
188 #set($previousAuthor = "")
189 ## Get this very doc, useful when it is included from another one.
190 #set($recentChangesDoc = $xwiki.getDocument("Main.RecentChanges"))
191 <table class="recentChanges">
192 <tr class="recentChangesHeader"><th>$msg.get("xe.recentchanges.column.authoranddate")</th><th>$msg.get("xe.recentchanges.column.changes")</th></tr>
193 #foreach ($rcDocName in $rcDocumentNames)
194 #set($row = "")
195 #set($rcAttachments = $util.arrayList)
196 ## Verify user access level on the document
197 #if ($xwiki.hasAccessLevel("view", $context.user, "${context.database}:${rcDocName}"))
198 #set($rcDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($rcDocName))
199 #set($rcType = "page")
200 #set($rcAuthor = $rcDoc.getAuthor()) ## TODO : check comments
201 #set($rcDt = $xwiki.jodatime.getDateTime($rcDoc.getDate().getTime()))
202 ## The handleComment macro overwrites rcType variable if the last modification is a comment.
203 #handleComment($rcDoc $rcType $rcDt $commentsOrder)
204 ## The handleAttachments macro put a list of attachments uploaded during the day by the author in $rcAttachments.
205 #handleAttachments($rcDoc $rcAuthor $rcDt)
206 #if($rcAuthor == $previousAuthor && $rcDt.getYear() == $previousDt.getYear() && $rcDt.getDayOfYear() == $previousDt.getDayOfYear())
207 ## Same day and author, continue in the same row.
208 #else
209 ## Different day or author, end previous row and start a new one.
210 #if($velocityCount > 1)</ul></td></tr>#end ## close previous row if needed
211 <tr><td class="recentChangesLeft">#displayRcAuthor($rcAuthor)<br/>
212 <span class="recentChangesDate">$xwiki.formatDate($rcDt.toDate(), "MMMM d")</span></td>
213 <td class="recentChangesRight"><ul class="xlist"> ## open next cell
214 #end
215 ## Compute a GUID for this modification with page name, modification date and author.
216 #set($modGUID = "${rcDoc.fullName}_${xwiki.formatDate($rcDt.toDate(), 'yyyyMMdd')}_${rcAuthor}")
217 ## Build the URL used to retreive the diff viewer URL
218 #set($goToDiffURL = $recentChangesDoc.getURL("view", "xpage=plain&amp;action=goToDiffURL&amp;page=${rcDoc.getFullName()}&amp;author=${rcAuthor}&amp;date=${xwiki.formatDate($rcDt.toDate(), 'yyyyMMdd')}&amp;rcShowMinor=${rcShowMinor}"))
219 <li class="xitem xunderline xhighlight ${rcType}">
220 <div class="xitemcontainer">
221 #if($rcType == "comment")
222 <div class="modifiedPage"><a href="$rcDoc.getURL()" title="$msg.get("xe.recentchanges.entry.comment.tooltip", [$xwiki.formatDate($rcDt.toDate(), "HH:mm")]) ">$rcDoc.getDisplayTitle()</a></div>
223 #if($rcShowDiff)
224 <div class="xshowonhover modifiedPageActions"><a class="ajax" href="$rcDoc.getURL("vire", "viewer=comments")" onclick="toggleClass(document.getElementById('$modGUID'), 'hidden'); toggleClass(document.getElementById('${modGUID}_comShow'), 'hidden'); toggleClass(document.getElementById('${modGUID}_comHide'), 'hidden'); return false;"><span id="${modGUID}_comShow">&#91;+&#93; $msg.get("")</span><span id="${modGUID}_comHide" class="hidden">&#91;-&#93; $msg.get("xe.recentchanges.entry.comment.hide")</span> $msg.get("xe.recentchanges.entry.comment")</a></div>
225 <div class="commentContainer hidden" id="$modGUID">
226 <div class="commentQuote lQuo">&nbsp;</div>
227 <div class="commentQuote rQuo">&nbsp;</div>
228 <div class="comment">
229 $lastComment.get("comment")
230 </div>
231 ## Display discussion link, this link point to the comments anchor.
232 <div class="commentAdd"><img src="$xwiki.getSkinFile("icons/silk/comment.gif")" alt="Reply icon" /> <a href="${rcDoc.getURL("view")}#Comments">$msg.get("xe.recentchanges.entry.comment.seediscussion")</a></div>
233 </div>
234 #end
235 #else
236 <div class="modifiedPage"><a href="$rcDoc.getURL()" title="$msg.get("", [$rcDoc.getVersion(), $xwiki.formatDate($rcDt.toDate())])">$rcDoc.getDisplayTitle()</a> #displayRcVersion($rcDoc.getVersion())</div>
237 #if($rcShowDiff)
238 <div class="xshowonhover modifiedPageActions"><a href="$goToDiffURL">$msg.get("")</a></div>
239 ## If the author has uploaded attachments during the day in this page, display them.
240 #if($rcAttachments.size() > 0)
241 <div class="attachmentContainer" id="$modGUID">
242 <ul>
243 #foreach($rcAttachment in $rcAttachments)
244 <li class="attachment"><a href="$rcDoc.getAttachmentURL($rcAttachment.filename)">$rcAttachment.filename</a> #displayRcVersion($rcAttachment.getVersion())</li>
245 #end
246 </ul>
247 </div>
248 #end
249 #end
250 #end
251 <div class="xspacer">&nbsp;</div>
252 </div>
253 </li>
254 #end
255 #set($previousAuthor = $rcAuthor)
256 #set($previousDt = $rcDt)
257 #end
258 ## Close last row if any.
259 #if($rcDocumentNames.size() > 1)</ul></td></tr>#end
260 </table>
261 ##
262 ## Rebuild URL query string
263 ## Workaround until we fix $request.getQueryString()
264 ##
265 #set($queryString = "")
266 #set($paramMap = $request.getParameterMap())
267 #foreach($key in $paramMap.keySet())
268 #foreach($value in $paramMap.get($key))
269 #set($queryString = "${queryString}&amp;${key}=${value}")
270 #end
271 #end
272 ##
273 ## Provide links to display minor edits and RSS feed.
274 ##
275 #if($xwiki.hasMinorEdit())
276 <p class="recentChangesMoreActions">
277 #if($rcShowMinor)
278 <a href="$xwiki.getURL($tdoc.getFullName(), "view", $queryString.replaceAll('rcShowMinor=true', ''))"><img src="$xwiki.getSkinFile("icons/silk/zoom_out.gif")" alt="Hide minor icon"/> $msg.get("xe.recentchanges.hideminor")</a>
279 #else
280 <a href="$xwiki.getURL($tdoc.getFullName(), "view", "${queryString}&amp;rcShowMinor=true")"><img src="$xwiki.getSkinFile("icons/silk/zoom_in.gif")" alt="Show minor icon"/> $msg.get("xe.recentchanges.showminor")</a>
281 #end
282 #if($rcShowRss)
283 #set($rssURL = "")
284 #if($rcTag.size() > 0)
285 ## Temporary harcoded URL until we refactor our RSS feeds.
286 #set($rssURL = $xwiki.getURL("Main.TagsRss", "view", "xpage=rdf&amp;tag=$listtool.get($rcTag, 0)"))
287 #else
288 #set($rssURL = $xwiki.getURL("Main.WebRss", "view", "xpage=rdf"))
289 #end
290 <a href="${rssURL}"><img src="$xwiki.getSkinFile("icons/silk/feed.gif")" alt="RSS icon"/> $msg.get("xe.recentchanges.rssfeed")</a>
291 #end
292 </p>
293 #end
294 ##
295 ## Compute and display execution time.
296 ##
297 #set($execEnd = $util.getDate())
298 #set($execDuration = $execEnd.getTime() - $execStart.getTime())
299 <!-- Main.RecentChanges execution time: ${execDuration}ms -->
#getBlogDocument($space $blogDoc)