Code source wiki de Solr Suggestion Service

Modifié par Thomas Mortagne le 2022/06/29 13:01

Masquer les derniers auteurs
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 1 {{include reference="XWiki.SuggestSolrMacros" /}}
3 {{template name="hierarchy_macros.vm" /}}
5 {{velocity output="false"}}
6 #macro (serializeResultsAsXML $results)
7 #set ($discard = $response.setContentType('text/xml'))
8 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
9 <results>
10 #foreach ($result in $results)
11 #set ($resultReference = $services.solr.resolve($result))
12 #set ($id = $escapetool.xml($services.model.serialize($resultReference, 'default')))
13 #set ($type = $escapetool.xml($resultReference.type.toString().toLowerCase()))
14 #set ($url = $escapetool.xml($xwiki.getURL($resultReference)))
15 #set ($title = $
16 #if ($resultReference.type == 'DOCUMENT')
17 #set ($title = $result.title_)
18 #if ($resultReference.locale)
19 ## Display the document locale after the title.
20 #set ($title = "$title ($resultReference.locale)")
21 #end
22 #end
23 #set ($title = $escapetool.xml($title))
24 #set ($options = {
25 'excludeSelf': true,
26 'limit': 4
27 })
28 ## We don't want the full HTML generated by the hierarchy macro but we can't use the 'plain' option either because
29 ## we loose the home icon.
30 #getHierarchyPath($resultReference $path $options)
31 #getHierarchyPathLabels($path $labels $options)
32 #set ($location = $escapetool.xml($stringtool.join($labels, ' / ')))
33 <rs id="$!id" type="$!type" url="$!url" info="$!location">$!title</rs>
34 #end
35 </results>
36 #end
37 {{/velocity}}
39 {{velocity wiki="false"}}
40 #if ("$!request.query" != '' && "$!request.input" != '')
41 #getSearchSuggestResults($results)
42 #if ($ == 'json' || $request.getHeader('Accept') == 'application/json')
43 #jsonResponse($results)
44 #else
45 #serializeResultsAsXML($results)
46 #end
47 #end
48 {{/velocity}}
50 {{velocity}}
51 #if ("$!request.query" == '' || "$!request.input" == '')
52 {{info}}
53 This service provides search results for the search suggest UI component.
54 Examples:
55 * [[$doc.getExternalURL('get', 'outputSyntax=plain&query=__INPUT__*&input=test')]]
56 {{/info}}
57 #end
58 {{/velocity}}
#getBlogDocument($space $blogDoc)